Syndra is a long-range mage who plays in the mid-lane. She focuses on creating and controlling her Dark Spheres to damage and crowd control enemy champions. This does, however, make her very skill-shot reliant, and since she is very squishy, positioning when playing her is key to winning the game. Syndra's passive, Transcendent, allows her to upgrade her abilities once she gets a certain number of Splinters of Wrath.
The abilities to upgrade first are:
Every instance of ability damage health to an enemy champions grants a Splinter of Wrath and restores mana. Since Syndra has a lot of range with her Dark Spheres, she can poke a lot during the laning phase to get stacks quicker.
Syndra also gains 2 Splinters every time she levels up. Once Syndra reaches 40, 60 and 80 Splinters, she can upgrade a basic ability. The order you should upgrade her abilities is Dark Sphere, Force of Will and then Scatter the Weak.
Syndra casts a Dark Sphere, dealing magic damage to enemies. The Sphere remains on the ground for 6 seconds and can be used with other abilities.
The Transcendent version of this ability stores an extra charge of Dark Sphere allowing Syndra to cast Dark Sphere twice in quick succession.
Syndra grabs the nearest Dark Sphere and hurls it at a target location dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them. It's important that Syndra uses Dark Sphere before Force of Will because if she doesn't Syndra will generate a new Sphere but will deal 20% reduced damage.
The Transcendent version gives Force of Will additional true damage.
Syndra projects a wave of force in a cone knocking back enemies and Dark Spheres dealing magic damage. Dark Spheres that are knocked back stun enemies. Most of the time Syndra wants to save this ability to try and stun enemies with Dark Sphere's however if she is jumped on by assassins she can push them away giving her space to escape.
The Transcendent version increases the angle of the waves cone and radius giving Syndra more opportunities to stun enemies.
Syndra uses the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby, launching them all at an enemy. For each Dark Sphere, Syndra deals more magic damage. You always want to make sure you have as many Dark Spheres on the floor as possible before using Unleased Power to increase her damage.
The Transcendent version increases the cast range and the ability executes enemies low on health.
Syndra does great with most ability power items. Her main source of damage is from all her abilities. It's important to get Luden's Echo first for the extra mana, ability haste, and ability power. Luden's Echo also works well when clearing minion waves because of its passive. After building Luden's Echo, Syndra wants to build more items that give her ability power like Infinity Orb and Rabadon's Deathcap since she has multiple abilities that can deal a lot of damage and has the potential to one-shot carries.
With runes, we have the following:
Since Syndra's abilities are long-ranged, she can stack up some extra gold in the early game and be able to deal true damage with her abilities.
Scorch allows Syndra to deal more damage when poking in the laning phase her Dark Spheres.
Syndra has many ways to impair the movement of enemy champions which will allow her to deal extra true damage with her combo.
Eyeball Collector is great since it gives Syndra more Ability Power every time she gets a takedown.
Ability Power mages like Syndra love to build as much Ability Haste as possible so she can use her abilities more often. This is especially good for Syndra since she can use her abilities to unleash more Dark Sphere's.
In the early game, Syndra does really well at clearing minion waves with her Dark Spheres. She can also use her Spheres to poke enemy champions early on giving her an early advantage in the lane. In the laning phase, you always want to look to try and use her Scatter the Weak with Dark Spheres on the enemies to stun them and follow it up with her other abilities, if you can hit this simple combo you can proc First Strike and deal extra damage.
Syndra is a very versatile champion in the late game because she can fill multiple roles. She can sit in bushes and catch enemies off guard with her Scatter the Weak and combo that with other abilities to deal a lot of damage, or she can group with her team and start a teamfight. When Syndra is grouped with her team, it's best to stay at the back where she can use her abilities to do damage to the enemies and protect her allies however you can look to try and stun an enemy with Scatter the Weak to get an advantage for your team.
Overall Syndra is a very fun and versatile champion that has the potential to one shot enemy carries. However she is very squishy and positioning with her is very important to make sure you don't get caught out.
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