Aatrox is a top lane fighter. He is a strong champion at all stages of the game. He has a lot of damage, healing, mobility and crowd control that you can use to take advantage in the laning phase, get a lead and then look to use that lead to group with your teammates around major objectives and do a lot of damage to the enemy team.
Aatrox can also be played in the jungle; make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! The build is very similar to the Baron Lane build. Make sure you swap your summoner spell to Smite.
Aatrox enhances his next attack every few seconds to deal bonus physical damage and heals himself for the same amount of damage done. The cooldown of Aatrox's passive is reduced by a few seconds when Aatrox hits a champion or large monster with an attack or ability.
You can see when Aatrox passive is available when the yellow bar underneath his health bar is full. Every time this bar is full, you should look to fight the enemy champion, as you will deal a lot of damage and get a lot of healing. The healing is reduced to 50% against minions.
Aatrox swings his blade, dealing physical damage. This ability can be cast two more times, with each cast dealing more damage. This ability has a sweet spot, changing with each cast. Enemies hit on the sweet spot will be knocked airborne and dealt bonus damage.
Aatrox can use Flash and Umbral Dash to change the position of The Darkin Blades cast. You can use this to your advantage to try and hit the sweet spot to deal the bonus damage.
Aatrox sends a chain dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them for a few seconds. If a Champion or Large Monster remains within the impact area after a few seconds, they will be dragged back to the centre and take the same damage again.
When trying to hit Infernal Chains, you can use Umbral Dash to dash towards the enemy, making it easier to hit Infernal Chains. This also means you can hit the sweet spot of The Darkin Blade, making it harder for the enemy to escape the impact area.
Umbral Dash's passive with Aatrox gains physical vamp against enemy champions. This ability is where all the crazy healing from Aatrox comes from. When playing against Aatrox, it's essential to build anti-heal items.
Umbral Dash's active is Aatrox dashes in a direction. This ability resets Aatrox's auto attack. This means it's best to auto-attack, use Umbral Dash then auto-attack again. Umbral Dash can dash over walls, dodge skill shots and escape ganks.
Aatrox unleashes his demonic form for a few seconds, gaining attack damage, increased healing and movement speed. During this time, Umbral Dash's Physical Vamp is increased. World Ender's duration is extended by 5 seconds with a takedown, up to 10 extra seconds.
Before going in for a team fight, it's important to use World Ender for the movement speed to you can easily hit the sweet spot of The Darkin Blade to deal extra damage.
Aatrox uses a mixture of damage and tank items that work well to help with his damage and keep him alive for longer. Black Cleaver is a great first item for Aatrox. With Aatrox's attacks and abilities, he can reduce the armor from enemies making it easier to deal more damage. Sterak's Gage is an excellent tank item for Aatrox that also increases his Base Attack Damage and gives him a shield when he is low on health.
For runes, we have the following:
Aatrox is a fighter, so he wants to get in the enemy's face and attack constantly. This allows him to get stacks pretty fast, which means he can deal more damage and get a lot of physical vamp when fully stacked.
When hitting enemies on the sweet spot with The Darkin Blade this will knock up enemy champions giving Aatrox a shield thanks to Courage of the Colossus.
Bone Plating helps Aatrox take reduced damage from enemies attacks and abilities which will help him in the laning phase and team fights.
Overgrowth allows Aatrox to gain permanent health throughout the game when nearby minions or monsters are killed. So the more Aatrox farms, the more Maximum Health he will get. Perseverance is another great choice when vs Crowd Control.
When Aatrox dashes with Umbral Dash, he gains Armor Penetration so he can deal even more damage.
Aatrox does well in the early game. You always want to look to try and use The Darkin Blade and hit the sweet spot on the enemy champion; this ability does a lot of damage and has a lot of healing with all the Physical Vamp you get from Umbral Dash. When you need to play safe, you can use Umbral Dash to get away to safety from a gank or dodge any abilities coming your way.
Once you get to the late game and Aatrox has his core items, you can become unkillable with the amount of healing you have and mobility. At this stage of the game, the best thing you can do is to group with the team and try and get a pick on the enemy carries. When a team fight happens, you want to make sure you are at the front protecting your team. Make sure you always go towards the biggest threat on the enemy team and try to take them down.
Aatrox is one of the best Baron Lane champions in the game because of what he has to offer. He's so strong at all stages of the game; he deals a lot of damage, has a lot of mobility and has a lot of survivability with all of his healing.
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