Statistics Lvl 1
Lvl 15
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Level 1 Malphite Stats

Health 650
Health Reg. (5s) 9
Mana 345
Mana Reg. (5s) 15
Armor 45
Magic Res. 38
Move Speed 350
Attack Dmg. 52
Attack Spd. 0.80

Malphite's Abilities

PGranite Shield
Shield 72 (11% maximum HP) damage after not taking damage for 8 seconds.
1Seismic Shard
Cooldown: 8 / 8 / 8 / 8
Cost: 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Launches a shard that deals 70 / 130 / 190 / 250 (+50% AP) magic damage, slowing the target by 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%, and hasting Malphite by 15% for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7
Cost: 25 / 25 / 25 / 25

Passive: Gains 8 Armor (20% / 25% / 30% / 35% Armor).

Active: For the next 6 seconds, attacks deal 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 (+20% AP +15% Armor) physical damage in a cone.

The first attack is empowered to deal 44 (+40% AP +30% Armorbonus physical damage to the target.

3Ground Slam
Cooldown: 7 / 7 / 7 / 7
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Slams the ground, dealing 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 (+50% AP +35% Armor) magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed by 30% / 35% / 40% / 45% for 3 seconds.
4Unstoppable Force
Cooldown: 75 / 70 / 65
Cost: 100 / 100 / 100
Charges to the target area, dealing 200 / 300 / 400 (+90% AP) magic damage and knocking up nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Malphite Build Guide for Wild Rift

Build Malphite with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Whether you are completely new to Malphite or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Malphite's abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Malphite is ranked Tier A (Solo Lane) in our Champion Tier List
Malphite Baron Lane Mid Lane
Shard of the Monolith
Show Champ Stats
Patch 5.3
Recommended Role Solo Lane
Solo Build A Mid Build C

Malphite's Item Build

Starting Item
Ruby Crystal
Ruby Crystal
Core Items
Iceborn Gauntlet
Iceborn Gauntlet
Amaranth's Twinguard
Amaranth's Twinguard
Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps
Final Build
Iceborn Gauntlet
Iceborn Gauntlet
Amaranth's Twinguard
Amaranth's Twinguard
Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart
Force of Nature
Force of Nature
Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps

Malphite's Spells & Runes

Summoner Spells
Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying
Nullifying Orb
Nullifying Orb
Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Malphite's Situational Items

vs Critical Strike Damage
Force of Nature
Randuin's Omen
vs Ability Power
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads

Malphite's Skill Order

Granite Shield Granite Shield (Passive)
Seismic Shard
  • Seismic Shard
  • Thunderclap
Ground Slam
  • Ground Slam
Unstoppable Force
  • Unstoppable Force
Quick Skill Order
Seismic Shard
Ground Slam

Malphite's Item Build

Starting Item
Amplifying Tome
Amplifying Tome
Core Items
Luden's Echo
Luden's Echo
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap
Hextech Soulstealer
Hextech Soulstealer
Boots of Mana
Boots of Mana
Final Build
Luden's Echo
Luden's Echo
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap
Hextech Soulstealer
Hextech Soulstealer
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Infinity Orb
Infinity Orb
Boots of Mana
Boots of Mana

Malphite's Spells & Runes

Summoner Spells
Arcane Comet
Arcane Comet
Cheap Shot
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collector
Eyeball Collector

Malphite's Skill Order

Granite Shield Granite Shield (Passive)
Seismic Shard
  • Seismic Shard
  • Thunderclap
Ground Slam
  • Ground Slam
Unstoppable Force
  • Unstoppable Force
Quick Skill Order
Seismic Shard
Ground Slam

How to play Malphite

Malphite is a tank top lane champion. As long as Malphite can survive the early game and farm up to get his core items, he can really be a game-changer in the late game with his ultimate, Unstoppable Force. When he groups up in the mid and late game with his team, this is really where Malphite can carry the game and be a big front-line tank that allows the rest of his team to walk up and damage the enemies.

Malphite Build Breakdown

Iceborn Gauntlet
Amaranth's Twinguard
Frozen Heart
Force of Nature
Plated Steelcaps - Gargoyle

Malphite is a solo front-line tank that can survive a lot of damage, and that reflects in his build. Iceborn Gauntlet is a core item for Malphite. It gives you amazing base stats and the passive helps you push minion waves and slow multiple enemies during a team fight so you can stick to them and deal more damage. Thornmail helps Iceborn Gauntlet have more area of effect and makes it extremely difficult to kill Malphite.

For runes we have:

Grasp of the Undying

With Malphite's passive, you can walk up with the shield, take trades, and fight the enemy to allow you to stack Grasp easily to get more health and become unkillable.

Nullifying Orb

Nullifying Orb is the best option here for this row, as the other two don't have much benefit.

Second Wind

Second Wind helps Malphite during the laning phase when he takes a lot of damage, which is the part of the game he struggles with the most.


Overgrowth allows Malphite to gain permanent health throughout the game when nearby minions or monsters are killed. So the more Malphite farms, pushes the lane and kills minions, the more Maximum Health he will get.

Manaflow Band

With Seismic Shard being an easy point and click spell to hit the enemies it's really easy to get stack on this rune to gain more mana which helps a lot as the game goes on.


For summoner spells, Flash is a must on most champions. It's a great spell to get you out of a bad situation or allows you to flash and save your ally or even maybe get a kill. The 2nd spell is Ignite, this is great on Malphite to get that extra bit of damage. If you poke the enemy early with Seismic Shard you can look to engage onto the enemy at level 5 when you get your ultimate, Unstoppable Force, to try and kill them.

Early Game

Malphite doesn't do the best in the early game as a tank but as mentioned before it's best to stay back, farm up and poke down the enemy with your Seismic Shard. When you get close to the enemy and start to fight you want to make sure to use Ground Slam to reduce their attack speed. This will help a lot when fighting early on. Once you reach Level 5 and get Unstoppable Force, you can look for a solo kill on the enemy top lane if they are low or save it and roam down to Dragon when it spawns at 4 minutes and group up with your team to get a big game-changing ultimate on the enemy team.

Late Game

The later the game goes, the tankier and stronger Malphite will get! Not only do you have a great team fight Ultimate that can change the game but you also are really tanky and unkillable at this point of the game that you can walk up and take all the damage whilst your team is doing all the damage to them. You want to stay with your team at all times and try not to get caught out by yourself. You don't do well at all in a 1 vs 1 situation.


With Malphite being one of the only full tank options in the game right now he is really safe and really easy to play. If you like to have an Ultimate that can change and win you the game in an instant whilst also being a big front line tank then Malphite is the go-to champion for you.

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Good luck on the rift summoners!


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