Akali is an AP assassin that is primarily played in the Mid Lane. She's a weak champion and can struggle against ranged enemies before hitting level 5. Once she reaches level 5, she has access to Perfect Execution which is her main source of damage, this is when you can start to utilize her aggressive play style and try to get an early advantage by either trying to get a solo kill in the Baron lane or group early with your team around objectives and focus on the squishy targets in the backline.
Akali can also be played in the Baron Lane, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! The build with Akali Baron lane is the same as mid lane, there is not much else that is different in terms of playstyles, build etc. The only thing to keep in mind is matchups. There are a lot of top lane champions that are good duelists that can punish you more in the early game so keep that in mind.
When you hit one of Akali's active abilities (Five Point Strike, Shuriken Flip or Perfect Execution) on a champion, it reveals a ring for 4 seconds. Crossing the ring grants Akali bonus attack range, damage and movement speed when walking towards the ring.
The best way to utilize this passive is when you hit a champion with an ability, you walk out of the circle (normally backwards) until you are out of the ring to proc the passive and then walk towards the champion to auto-attack. You will know when you have got the passive-active when the ring disappears and Akali starts spinning her dagger.
Akali throws kunais, dealing magic damage. Enemies struck at the maximum range are slowed.Five Point Strike has a very low cooldown, meaning you can spam the ability a lot to last hit minions, harass enemies, and activate your passive with. Practice hitting enemies at maximum range with Five Point Mark, as if you do, you can instantly proc your passive as you will be outside the circle range.
An important thing to note is that you can activate this ability all around Akali even if it's behind her, and most of the time it's best to manually aim the ability instead of just tapping it so you can see the range and utilize your passive.
Creates a smoke cloud that expands over time and restores energy. Akali is invisible and gains movement speed inside the shroud. Twilight Shroud is one of the main abilities of Akali and it is what allows her to dodge and move around during team fights with ease, not being able to die.
The best time to use the ability is when you are running low on energy or you are about to get hit by heavy crowd control. When invisible, this is where you can use your Five Point Mark on the enemy champions and easily go out of the ring and back in again procing Assassin's Mark without being seen.
Akali flips backwards and throws a shuriken, dealing damage and marking the target. If you press the ability again when the shuriken hits, you dash to the marked target dealing damage. It's really important to use this ability at the right time because if you don't hit a target with your shuriken, you will be too far away to get back into the fight. If you are not confident enough about hitting a target with your shuriken, you can cast the ability backwards. This means that Akali will flip towards the enemy and you can use your Five Point Strike or Perfect Execution to engage on the enemy.
Shuriken Flip is a great way to proc your passive Assassin's Mark. When you hit an enemy champion, you will already be outside the circle so you will be able to dash in and do extra damage. But be careful when using your second part of Shuriken Flip, because you might travel into a dangerous area and you can die very quickly.
A two-part dash ability. The first cast dashes through an enemy champion dealing damage. You can only use the first part of the ability by targeting an enemy champion. When you use the ability on an enemy champion, you will end up behind the champion so just keep that in mind.
The second part of the ability dashes in a target direction, dealing damage. The damage is increased based on the target's missing health so it's a great way to secure a kill on an enemy champion. You can use the second cast anywhere, so even if you need to escape a scary situation where you might die.
Akali's main source of damage comes from her abilities, this means she works great with ability power items. Riftmaker is the perfect item for Akali. The base stats help her a lot and the passive, Void Corruption, is really easy to stack on Akali because she loves jumping in and out of combat against champions. Infinity Orb is a perfect assassin item for Akali. Being able to get early magic penetration is really important and Akali's abilities are able to crit and deal more damage to low health targets.
For runes we have:
Akali is a champion that can stay in teamfights for a while using her abilities and auto attacks to deal damage allowing her to stack Conqueror giving her extra damage and healing.
Gathering Storm gives Akali a lot of ability as the game gets into the mid/late game. It's not that useful during the early game, but when Akali shines during the late game, this will help.
When enemy champions are low on health, Akali can deal bonus damage. This will help Akali when looking to assassinate backline carries
Bloodline gives Akali omnivamp, which includes magical vamp. This will work well with Akali's abilities and Riftmaker, so she will be tough to kill. Legend: Tenacity is another good option in this row when playing against enemies with Crowd Control.
Since Akali will be dashing in trying to kill high value targets, she will also be vulnerable to taking a lot of damage. Bone Plating will help Akali take reduced damage from the first three instances of damage which will help him survive longer.
Akali can be pretty weak in the early game. Before level 5 the best thing you can do is try and hit Five Point Strike on the enemy champion, this activates Assassin Mark which means you can exit the circle so your next auto attack has extra range and damage. If you get into trouble early when playing Akali you can use Twilight Shroud, this allows her to turn invisible whilst inside the shadow. Akali can also use Shuriken Flip to get some distance between you and the enemies.
When Akali reaches the mid/late game and gets a few items this is where she can become a strong champion. When she is grouped with her team and about to have a team fight the best thing she wants to do is get onto the enemy backline where she can kill the carries. Akali has so much mobility and survivability with her abilities and stasis (boots upgrade) also helps with that. When playing Akali you also have great 1 vs 1 potential against most champions. This can give your team a big advantage if you can get a kill before the team fight starts.
Overall Akali is a champion that has a very aggressive playstyle! If you like jumping into people's faces and killing them whilst staying alive for a long time then she is the right champion for you! She has a very high skill gap which means it might take a few games to understand how to play her, but if you can master Akali you can climb the ranks and reach the very top!
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